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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

每日评论 0529 美国商人的难题

每日评论  0529  美国商人的难题



今年是美国的选举年, 一股反华之热潮正在不断增长中。民主和共和两党都在竞赛如何对中国出招,川普的顾问们说如果他们重返白宫将致力於中国完全[脱钩], 这真是可能之事吗? 

早在九十年代初, 我们在和共和党籍之美国参议员格兰之会见中,他曾经说过如果大家走进沃尔马大商场,所有你想要的东西应有尽有,我们已经是一个非常富裕之时代。

我们试问沃马货柜上的產品百分之九十是中国製造,同样一种来自欧洲或本地之產品相比之下价格相去甚远, 换言之是抑制了通货膨胀之压力。


政客们希望和中国大陆脱钩, 只是苦了老百姓之钱包。

The Challenge Of American Businessmen 

Due to the new taxes being imposed by the U.S. government, businessmen producing goods in Mainland China are now experiencing a great impact. Most of them are hoping to relocate their production to other regions such as Vietnam or Mexico. But there are difficulties, both subjectively and objectively. 

This year being an election year in the United States, there is a rising anti-China sentiment from both the Democrat and Republican parties competing on how to take action against China. Trump’s advisors have mentioned that if they return to the White House they will strive for a complete “decoupling “ from China. Is this even really possible?

Ninety percent of Walmart products are manufactured in China, creating standard prices to keep our inflation down. The addition of tariffs leveed by the U.S. would only serve to burden consumers and contribute even more to inflation. 

Politicians may advocate decoupling from China, but it is ultimately the common people who are nearest to the financial consequences.