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每日评论 0525 一群落叶归根的海外游子

每日评论 0525 一群落叶归根的海外游子



这座全球驰名之养老村,许多是早年在美国从事新闻工作或者是退休的外交官、商人及工程师, 有人告诉我们说:“ 在美国年纪大了开车不方便,看医生困难如今来到了养生文化村, 衣食住行及医疗都解决了, 唯一是和在美的亲人得分开来有些不捨,多半的长者也不愿给子女增添麻烦。”

这座藏在深山裡的养老院,据称有千人正待入住,对许多人而言, 是一项明智之选择,他们在晚年时又回到故乡, 何嚐不是一件幸福之事。

A Group Of Elders Are Coming Back Home

Yesterday, accompanied by friends, we visited the ChangGung Seniors Culture Village on the outskirts of Taipei and met many overseas Chinese from the United States who had returned to Taiwan to retire after living in the U.S. for many years, each for their own reasons. 

This globally renowned    retirement village is home to former journalists, diplomats, businessmen and professionals who had spent many years in the U.S. Some shared with us that      as they aged in America, driving became inconvenient and accessing medical care was challenging. Now at this village, their needs for daily living and medical care are all taken care of. The only challenge remains the separation from family members

in the U.S., but most of the elders prefer not to burden their children. 

This retirement home nestled deep in the mountains reportedly has a waiting list of thousands of people. Returning back home in their later years could indeed be seen as the source of happiness for them.