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美南广场 / 董事长介绍




今天在美国的华亚裔人口,正以惊人之速度不断增长中, 就以大休斯敦地区而言, 我们已经佔到百分之七点五。 换言之 ,以七百万人口算来, 至少有超过六十万是来自亚洲之移民。

从人口统计数字显示, 华亚裔家庭不但是高收入,而且多半是高级知识份子及各行业之精英,这归功於我们家庭教育之成功。

美国社会对我们之刻板印象是对政治比较冷漠, 对社会慈善活动之参与嫌不足, 其中上一代移民因受战争之苦加上当年所在国不相信贪腐之政府, 因而造成希望下一代独善其身, 努力向学, 变成医生律师及工程师来改善生活困境。

然而政治及经济之环境不断锐变中, 我们所处之社会正遭受歧视不公之挑战, 我们為了自已和下一代之生存, 必须共同面对未来之变局。

今天我们正在积极筹备之休斯敦国际工商博覧会, 在州长市长民意代表及商务部之支持下,我们一定要办好此次博览会, 来彰显华亚裔对社会之责任和贡献, 更显示我们的经济实力。 

大会之成功, 尚望大家之鼎力支持, 我们一定尽力来继续加油, 為华亚裔争光。

Why Is The Houston International Expo Very Important?

The 2024 Houston International Expo will be held in Houston on October 30th - November 1.

This expo will showcase the strong and growing presence of the Asian community in the greater Houston area and across the nation. Through the expo we can highlight the contributions and influence of the Asian community on the local society and economy and help more people become aware of this community.   

We can also strengthen the position of members of the Asian community in the business and commercial sectors. The expo can facilitate business exchanges and collaboration while showcasing 

the Asian entrepreneurs and professionals and provide them 

with more business opportunities and networking prospects. 

During this event we can also enhance and encourage cultural exchanges and understanding between different ethnic groups 

and Asian professionals. 

We hope you will give us the support to help make it a very successful Expo.