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社评 0404 花莲强震 全台颤抖

社评  0404  花莲强震 全台颤抖

花莲强震 全台颤抖

昨天上午七时三十分台湾花莲外海发生七点二级强震, 是9 2 1大 地震二十五年来最大震级。 目前已造成十二人死亡 ,821 受伤, 仍然有百餘位市民被困。

台北市、 新北市测得最大震度五级, 南部县市是四级 。全台湾都感到强烈震动, 地震发生时刚好是上下班高峯时间, 台北捷运一度停驶, 政府正在全力抢救之中,力保交通和公共设施之继续𣈱通 。据气象局表示,未来几天仍然有可能发生六级以上之餘震,呼吁市民特别小心。

地震之后可能発生之海啸及餘震也非常危险, 台湾是处於亚洲地区之地震带,多年来也深受威胁 ,加上近年来气候变化之影响 ,全球各地同样遭受天灾之苦, 我们寄望各国领袖必须加强应对大自然之变迁 ,减少天灾之患。

Strong Earthquake In Hualian, Taiwan, And The Whole Island Trembles

At 7:30am yesterday, a strong earthquake occurred outside Hualian, Taiwan. It was the largest earthquake in the last 25 years. At the present time, at least 12 people have been killed and 821 are injured. More than 500 citizens are still trapped at several locations. 

The strong 7.2  magnitude earthquake also caused a strong shock at the rear of the island. It struck right at the busiest time of commuting traffic. The Metro and railway services were suspended   

immediately. The government is now making all the efforts to ensure that the continuation of transportation and public facilities will be restored as soon as possible. 

According to the Meteorological Bureau, it is still very possible that strong aftershocks will occur in the next few days. 

Gawain is an island that over the 

last several years has been under  the threat of earthquakes mainly because it is located directly under one of the largest earthquake faults in Asia. In addition, the impact of climate change has also created many natural disasters all over the world and has caused immeasurable suffering all over the world.

We hope that the leaders of the  world will adapt accordingly to the changes of nature and strengthen 

all structures to reduce all damage  to lives and property caused by the unpredictable forces that cause these disasters.