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社评0328 华裔少女将在国际区花车游行上亮相

社评0328 华裔少女将在国际区花车游行上亮相


每年一度之休斯敦国际花车大游行,今年依例将於四月二十七日上午九时在百利大道上举行 。这塲文化艺术活动并将在游行结束后在艾利芙学区体育场举办「舌尖上的艾利芙」美食大展。此次游行活动将有四位华裔青少女张金妮、 徐佳莹、  江馨睿、 罗颖,由范青老师引领站上花车向市民展现朗颂诗歌及歌唱之才艺, 并将為国际社区发扬中华文化, 促进族群和谐而贡献力量。大游行除了学区之管弦大乐队仪仗队, 还有麦当劳 、HEB 、学校之各型花车, 并由电视台现塲直播, 到时必会万人空巷 ,盛况可期。国际区成立二十年以来 ,由於管理得当,治安加强, 因此商业鼎盛, 已经成為休斯敦市之典范商业区, 并得到市长惠特迈及各级市府官员之讃扬。

Young Chinese -American Girls Will Participate In The International Parade

The Annual Houston International Parade will be held on Saturday, April 27th at 9:00 am on Bellaire Blvd. This cultural and artistic event will also be followed by the Taste of Alief Food Festival at the end of the parade.

The parade will include four young Chinese girls led by their teacher Fan Qing who will stand on the colorful flowered float to show the public their singing talent which will contribute greatly to the diverse international community while promoting Chinese culture. 

In addition to the honor guard of    the orchestral band from the Alief Independent School District, also to be included will be various floats from McDonald’s and HEB, plus the parade will be broadcast live on our STV television station. 

Since the establishment of the Houston International District twenty years ago, we have been working on strengthening the public safety and promoting the businesses in the district. We have become a model business district in the City of Houston and have been praised by Mayor John Whitmire for our efforts. 

You are welcome to join our parade and come out and celebrate our ethnic culture together.