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社评0312 狄克逊牧师亲切会见华亚裔牧师

社评0312  狄克逊牧师亲切会见华亚裔牧师


週一下午狄克逊牧师在他偌大的教会会见了数位来自各地之华亚裔牧师, 并且对他们即将下月举行之基督教佈道大会在休斯敦举行表示由衷之支持和讃扬。 预计这个大会将有来自全世界七十多个国家的三千多位代表出席。

认识狄克逊牧师是由好弟兄国会议员艾尔格林介绍, 两年多年当德州议会提出包括华人、 伊朗人不能在德州买土地房產时, 他们便挺身而出,由各族裔社区领袖组成联合政线走向街头,全面抗议这个违宪之法案。

多年来, 狄克逊牧师对於社会对待少数族裔之不公不义 发出巨大之反对声 他的宗教及政界之影响力非常强大 透过他的电视节目及佈道大会 成為全美一股强大有力之声音

在我们之会面交谈中 他表示对华亚裔社区之关怀, 并希望今后保持密切联繫, 為社区之和谐共同努力。

今天我们生活在非常不安之社会环境之中 ,枪支氾滥,道德水準不断沉沦, 我们极待以教育及其他方式来推动社会道德之重整。

Bishop Dixon Kindly Met  With Asian Chinese Pastors

On Monday afternoon, Bishop Dixon met with Asian Chinese pastors in his church and they expressed their sincere support and admiration for an upcoming Christian conference to be held in Houston next month. It is expected that more than 3,000 delegates from seventy countries will attend. 

We have known Bishop Dixon since he was introduced to us by our good brother Congressman Al Green      two years ago when the Texas legislature tried to ban Chinese from buying real estate in Texas. In a united response, the people stood up and formed a political alliance with community leaders and went on the streets to protest against this unconstitutional bill which was later defeated.

For many years, Bishop Dixon has voiced his strong opposition against the injust treatment of minorities. His religious and political influence is the true voice of America. 

We are so proud and grateful to  know this leader who can guide our community to fight for our rights.