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社评1227 非法移民成了人球

社评1227     非法移民成了人球


德州州长艾伯特週二再把一百二十名进入德州边境之非法移民空运到芝加哥, 州长发言人表示:“ 他们是自愿上飞机,但他未说明这些费用花了州政府多少费用,由何航空公司来负责运送。”

过去几年来, 德州州政府把许多进入德州境内之非法移民大批地用巴士送到芝加哥, 截止目前為止,共有二万三千八百人, 仅次於纽约市, 而以飞机运送这还是第一次。

今天移民问题已经是美国目前面临最严重的内政问题和危机之一 ,成千上万的移民不断越过边境, 他们冒着生命之危险, 希望在美国取得生存之机会。

从墨西哥一直到中南美洲,各国之经济情况一直都处於落后又不発达之情况。 许多国民一生之愿望就是逃到美国求生存, 老实说 ,如果情形不改变,非法移民潮将是无法阻挡, 不论筑墙多高也阻止不了要来美国的热烈愿望。

Illegal Immigrants Have 

Become Political Balls

The State of Texas airlifted 120 illegal immigrants from El Paso to Chicago on Tuesday. Texas Governor Abbott's spokesman said that these people boarded the plane voluntarily, but he did not say what was the cost to the state, nor which airline was used to transport them.

Over the last few years, the State of  Texas has already sent 23,800 immigrants to Chicago by buses, 

but this is the first time illegals have been sent to another city by airplane. 

Today, the immigration problem is one of the most serious internal issues that is facing our country. Thousands of people are at risk of their lives in their attempts to enter the U.S. We need to come up with a solution to this issue which can be supported by both of the political parties.