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社评1219 德州州法将强制驱逐非法移民

社评1219    德州州法将强制驱逐非法移民


艾伯特州长宣佈根据德州最新法律,德州边防人员可以立即驱逐从墨西哥进入之非法移民,并在记者会上表示将继续用州之经费建立边境围墙,这将是从联邦政府手中拿下这项権利, 也立即遭到民主党人之大力反对。

艾伯特州长表示:“ 此举将立即阻止大批之非法移民浪潮。”

多年来, 移民问题一直是美国面临重大政治议题, 也是共和及民主两党尤其是选举时之热门话题。

我们必须承认, 在德州的西裔人口已经达到半数, 各行各业尤其是建筑 、农业及餐饮服务业之绝大部分更是西裔人士, 他们可以说是最大的就业群, 因此这些源源不绝之非法移民自然也是劳工之来源。

共和党在反对移民之政策採取强烈之政策, 而不分清红皂白对非法移民驱逐, 也是违反了人道主义政策。

Texas State Law Will Force The Expulsion Of Illegal Immigrants 

Texas Governor Abbott announced that under the latest state law, Texas border security guards can now immediately expel illegal immigrants attempting to enter the U.S. from Mexico. Abbott said he would continue to use state funds to build the border wall. The democrats in Congress immediately strongly opposed the idea.

For many years the immigration issue has been the #1 major political issue facing our country, especially in an election year. 

We must admit that the Latino population in Texas gas almost reached 50%. The vast majority of them work in the construction, agriculture and food service businesses. They can be said to be the largest group in these vital industries. So the endless surge of immigrants is naturally a source of labor. 

We felt very sad when we saw the millions of people coming to America for a better life, then we just only have to refuse them entry into the U.S.