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社评 1212 华亚裔展现力量

社评 1212  华亚裔展现力量


早在年前休斯敦市长选战已经在我们华亚裔社区热烈展开, 这是多年来我们参加政治活动最活跃的一次, 不但举办了多次募款餐会及大小见面会, 不论支持哪位候选人, 大家都在全力以赴。

自去年在德州州议会企图通过议案,禁示华人购买土地案引起大家之公愤 ,这是对华裔社区非常严重之挑战,并激发了我们大家的参政之意识。

根据最新之人口统计数字,大休斯敦地区之华亚裔已近百分之八左右, 已经达到了关健性之数字, 在此人口比例之中包括最高教育程度及收入最高之群体。

多年来, 大多数亚裔不太关心政治, 从上一代人口中得知许多母国之腐败, 於是当他们移居美国之后, 相对十分冷淡 。

今天的情势已经改变 ,您不过问政治, 政治也会找到您头上。 我们的衣食住行和当政者是息息相关的。

这是我们觉醒之时刻了, 希望这一切都从现在开始。

Asian Americans Are Showing Their Strength

As early as one year ago, the Houston Mayoral election was met with great enthusiasm in our Asian community. This has been the most politically active campaign we have participated in for many years. Not only have we held many fund-raising events and hosted many large and small meetings, it did not matter who you supported, everyone was out there doing their best. 

Just last year, the Texas State Legislature made an attempt to pass a bill to ban Chinese from buying land in Texas. This action represented a very serious challenge to our community, and at the same time, this issue aroused our awareness of the importance of political participation. It really was a "wake up call" for all of us.

According to a recent survey, Asians now represent nearly 8% of the general population in the greater Houston area. They are highly educated and are in the highest income level of all groups. 

This is the moment of our political awakening. I hope it will continue to build and grow stronger from now on.