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社评1208 市长是我们的父母官

社评1208    市长是我们的父母官


休斯敦市长选举明天十二月九日上午七时半即将展开, 在下午七时结束后即将决出谁是下任市长。

这次两位在初选中胜出之候选人都是政界之老将, 惠特迈从政五十年, 希拉稹克逊李近三十年在国会服务, 他们都是政治上之老手。

在美国政府之体制中, 市长和市民之关係最为密切, 我们的衣食住行都在市政府之管理之下, 而且我们的税金多半也上缴到市府。 

一个市长之能力事关到全市之前途 ,今天许多大城市由於市长无能, 市政不整 ,游民遍地 ,令人痛心。

我们期望新的休斯敦市长能够為我们带来新气象, 才不辜负大家对他的支持。

The Mayor's Job Is Looking More Like Being Our Parent 

The Houston Mayoral runoff election will be held tomorrow from 7:00am until 7:00pm. The result will show who will be the next mayor of our city. 

Both of the candidates are veteran politicians. Senator Whitmire served in the Texas state legislative for over four decades and Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has been in the U.S. Congress almost thirty years. Both candidates have a wealth of experience in politics. 

If we look at the structure of our government, it is at the city level that is most important to our community. It relates to our daily life no matter what the city service may be, whether it's transportation services, infrastructure, water system, road or police and security.

The next mayor's leadership decisions will directly impact the future of the city. His or

her ability to effectively handle the challenges of the city's business, will set the direction for their term in office.

Looking at many of the largest cities in America today, most  of them have uncontrolled homeless and poverty issues and they just have not been able to manage it.

Many people vote for their mayoral candidate because they want a change for a better life.