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社评 1207 银行金融中心破土动工

社评  1207        银行金融中心破土动工


这是我们人生中最令人激动之时刻,在美南新闻广场上今天围起一大圈的护栏, 这是环球第一银行金融中心第一天动工, 我一大早就来到了工地, 我脚下踩着的这片土地, 写出了我们在美利坚共和国几十年之血泪𡚒斗史, 它不仅代表我们华亚裔之努力成绩 ,更是对这片土地之关爱和感激。

在许多我给年轻人之讲话中, 一直强调不论你是亿万富豪或平民百姓, 我们都要存有对父母、友人感恩之心, 对每一位曾经帮助过我们的人都应感恩图报。 

今天美南新闻能在美国德州休斯敦百利大道上同时兴建媒体、 贸易文化及金融中心 ,绝非偶然。 如果没有我们读者客户及社区之相助, 绝无此可能实现。

我抚摸着工地围篱之铁网上, 心中激起无比之兴奋 ,这座金融中心之兴建, 在我们人生之图腾上重重的添上了永恆的一页。

德州地区华亚裔人口不断增长, 大休斯敦之亚裔人口已佔到百分之八, 而且有不断兴盛的中小企业 ,我们相信环球第一银行必然会扮演重要之角色。

Global One Bank Finally Breaks Ground

Today was a very exciting day in my life when I saw the construction fence being put up on our compound. Finally, we are going to start to build the Global One Bank Financial Center!

It was a long and painful story that followed after we decided to organize the new bank almost five years ago. It was not an easy road. But after a  lot of hard work by all of our partners, today we are so fortunate that our dream has come true.

I always tell our younger generation that we all are so lucky that we are here in America where we can do whatever we want to do and be whatever we want to be.

Southern News Group started our journey in 1979 in Houston, Texas, and because of your support over the years, we have been able to overcome many difficulties and have become a national news  media organization serving communities in ten major U.S. cities.

Today is such an important and memorable day in my life. We are planning to serve our community with media, trade, cultural and financial services in the same compound location. No matter what happens in the future, our 

goal is the same: to be an important part of this wonderful community and be a partner with people like you.