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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评 1204 与年轻朋友之对话

社评 1204   与年轻朋友之对话


上週六在休斯敦大专校联合主办的职涯跨域菁英论坛中, 非常高兴和许多年青朋友及许多早年来美求学有成的老朋友见面。 这埸座谈带给我人生腾图中诸多的回忆, 主辨单位的会长戴佩青及夫婿名医徐彤是我的亲外甥, 他在小学唸书时就自己掛上家中钥匙放学后自己开门回家, 他常给母亲也是他的外婆说:“ 他将来一定要做医生。” 我首先引用此故事说明年青人要定下自己之未来计划, 契而不捨自然可以达成目标。

我的题目是 ——【走进休斯敦白宫之路】 因為我曾经把报社及住宅倣照白宫建造, 也是实现我美国梦的一大计划。

我在演说中曾讲述我的童年是在一个没有水电、自来水的缅北山区中度过, 所幸父母早年都是教育工作者,没有放弃对我们的培育, 在我的记忆中早已萌生要对贫穷挑战的决心。

多年后在台湾上了大学 ,在不满二十岁时就加入中国广播公司,从一个基属助理编辑开始, 顿时我的人生视野大大打开。 我在台北接触上流政界人士,  这算是我年轻时的第一桶金 ,是指精神上之收获。

来美后的学习创业真是险象丛生, 银行真的贷款买了价值数十万元之印报机 ,收购六点二亩土地,兴建媒体中心及国际贸易中心, 最近和许多友人完成教堂山银行之併购, 并成立了环球第一银行。 

这些点滴之奋斗经歷, 主要还是得力於家人友人之信任, 更感谢这块土地给予之机会。

总之, 希望年轻人要撑握【勤快认真】这四个字之精髓来努力规划人生之蓝图。

A Dialogue With Young Professionals

I was invited as a speaker last Saturday at the JCCAA ‘s Career Conference for Young Professionals. I was very excited to meet many young and old friends who have been successful in their careers. This discussion brought back many memories from my own life.

P C Tai is the president of the association, she is also my nephew’s wife, Dr. Tung Shu, who is a very famous physician in America. When he was young he always carried a key to open the door when he came back from school. He always told my mom who is his grandmom that he wanted to be a doctor. First of all, I mainly quote this story just to tell young people you should make up your mind early in life and decide what you want to be. 

The title of the book, “The Road to the Houston White House,“ came about because I once dreamed about building a media center and residence like the White House. This now represents my American dream. 

In my remarks, I told them that I spent my childhood in the mountain area of North Burma with no running water or electricity. Fortunately, my parents were educators and they never gave up on our education. In my memory, the determination to fight against poverty had already been planted in me and had started to  sprout.

Many years later, I was a refugee student and went to study in Taiwan. At the age of only twenty, I became an assistant editor in the local radio station. I met many upperclass people and knew personally many high society people. It was then that I opened a new vision for my life. 

This was my first bucket of gold of understanding and it brought me a very special spiritual gain.

After I came to America, learning and starting a business are really amazing stories. The bank gave me a loan to buy a printing press and start publishing a newspaper. We purchased 6.2 acres of land with a give-away price. Later we built the media center and the International Trade Center. Recently, a group of us completed the merger of Chappel Hill Bank and established the Global One Bank. 

Through these struggles I mainly got support from my family and many good friends, and am more grateful now for the opportunity given to me by this great land.

In closing, I just want to give young people two words to live by: 'diligent' and 'serious' when making plans for your future.