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社评1202 休斯敦国际区大门即将兴建

社评1202  休斯敦国际区大门即将兴建


经过国际区议会多次之商议, 本週四经全体出席理事之投票通过 ,将在半年内兴建完成国际大门, 位置在八号公路通往百利大道於国际区之主要通道上。

国际门高三十英呎, 宽六十呎,  路旁更有十七呎高之两座附墙, 全部宽达一百二十呎 ,将衬托出辉煌宏伟之气势。 

大门以地球型嵌国际区字样,以金色及银色装上LED 灯光将永远闪烁着明亮光泽,象徵国际区之永久繁华和光明。

二十年来, 我们在此深耕流汗, 深爱这块土地, 国际门之兴建代表了我们这一代人对地方之奉献, 希望在未来能為我们添上一段佳话。

                           International Gate Is About To Be Built

After many discussions among the International District Board members, the construction of the international gate will be completed within one- half of a year following a positive vote of all the directors present. The location of the gate will be on Bellaire Blvd. at the intersection of Beltway 8 and Bellaire Blvd. in the International District. 

The gate design is 30 feet high and 60 feet wide. There are two 17-foot high walls next to the gate which    will luminate a very brilliant and magnificent artistic setting to the whole area. 

The gate is earth-shaped and embedded with the words "International District" and will be equipped with an LED light. The light will always shine brightly to symbolize the prosperity and bright future for all of us. 

Over the last twenty years we have been working hard and sweating on this project. We love this land deeply. this gate represents the dedication of our generation to the local area. We hope it will make a good story to tell about us in the future.