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社评1125 环球第一 永续经营

社评1125  环球第一   永续经营

有志者 事竟成

环球第一   永续经营

昨天在环球第一银行大厅和同仁们一起庆祝今年的感恩节,心情特别激动, 尤其是此时此地, 经过数年之艰苦奋斗, 我们在今年年初终於打开了银行之大门。

「有志者事竟成 」在我们开始有意申请银行执照的过程中, 曾经经过许多金融银行律师之努力, 皆未成功。 一直到有一百零七年历史的教堂山银行, 主事者史密斯先生有意让我们加入,终於峯回路转, 实现了我们的梦想。

金融事业和社区经济发展有着极其密切之关係。 环球第一银行之创办人集聚了主流 华裔、 韩裔、 印裔 、尼伯尔裔、 巴裔、 拉丁裔, 可谓一个美国社会之缩影。 我们希望成為一个真正的社区银行, 服务最基层之各行各业, 同时為社区之提供各项福利教育文化之服务。


If There Is A Will, There Is A Way

On Thanksgiving Day we celebrated the holiday with our colleagues in the lobby of Global One Bank. We were very excited that after many years of hard work, we finally opened the door to the bank at the beginning of this year. 

“If there is a will, there is a way.” In the process of applying for the bank, we failed through with many efforts until Mr. Ed Smith agreed to invite us to join the 107-year-old Chappell Hill Bank and finally let our dream come true. 

Financial services and community economic development are extremely closely related. The founders of our bank have been gathered from mainstream Korean, Chinese, Nepali, Indian, Pakistani and Latino groups which we call, "A small international community representative of America."

We hope to become a real community bank to serve our grassroots industries. At the same time, our bank will provide various welfare, education and social services information.

Today our team would like to express our holiday greetings to all of you. Our door is always open to serve you.