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社评 1124 国民党候友宜 赵少康成局

社评 1124 国民党候友宜 赵少康成局

国民党候友宜 赵少康成局

最迎一连串的政治大戱, 蓝白在野势力破局之后 ,国民党最终提名候友宜搭配赵少康成军 ,民眾党柯文哲也和台湾财团新光集团之小公立吴欣盈共同出战总统大选。我们海内外的华人应该对此次台湾中华民国总统副总统之大选寄予高度之关切, 理由非常简单, 未来何人执政领导台湾未来之走向, 将立即影响中国大陆 、台湾及美国之三边关係。

今天包括我们居住在美国的华裔美人处境愈加困难, 理由是中美两国长久来,因為台湾问题有极大之分歧。

我们的立塲是: 我们要和平,而不是以战争来解决台海问题。我们呼吁全美华裔社区, 在未来五十天内应该通过座谈集会向美国政界人民表达我们的看法, 也更要恳切地告诉两岸之执政者, 我们应该有智慧和能力来解决自己的问题 ,决不要变成亚洲的乌克兰。

KMT Selects A Presidential team

After the blue and white camps broke, the talks of the KMT finally nominated Hou Yu-Ih and Chao Shao-Kang to team up to run for Taiwan’s Presidential election. The People’s Party also nominated chairman Ko Wen-je to team up with Cynthia Wu to run in the race. 

We as oversea Chinese around the  world should be highly concerned about the election in Taiwan. The reason is very simple. Whoever will govern and lead the island in the future will immediately have an affect on the trilateral relations between Taiwan, China and the United States. 

Today, the relationship between China and the U.S. has a great influence on the people who live in the United States 

We call on all our community leaders to contact your local politicians. We want peace and not war to solve the Taiwan issue.

Over the next fifty days before the election, we also want to call on the leaders of both sides to have the wisdom and ability to solve our own problems. We don’t want to become another Ukraine in Asia.