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社评 1104 台湾选举将牵动世界局势

社评 1104  台湾选举将牵动世界局势


由好友前立法委员旅居纽约多年之侨领范扬盛兄和张学海兄等组成之旅美侨学界和平之旅大陆参访团, 刚结束多天之行程拜会了上海市台联、 国际问题研究院、 全国侨办 、中国社会科学院等重要机构 ,就如何降低两岸冲突促进和平等议题充分交换意见, 范兄并撰写「和平之旅」一文, 他们此行可说成果丰硕 ,充分代表了我们海外华人之心声。

中华民国总统大选目前在台湾热烈展开, 各路人马及党派正在浑身解术施展力量, 希望明年元月大选获胜。 

由蓝白两大阵营企图结合下架民进党之行动, 目前已经在整合之最后阶段, 这两党非属同源 在许多理念及想法不同, 但是為了赢得大选 ,也就别无选择了。

台湾之大选 ,已经搬上世界政治舞台之热点, 主要是台湾问题是中美关係之核心, 也事关未来台海局势之安危。

海外华人十分关心台湾之大选, 希望未来之领导人能够充分掌握歷史之际遇 ,消除战争之恐惧乃人类之福也。

Taiwan’s Election Will Affect The World Situation 

Former Taiwan Legislator, Mr. Fan Yang Sang, and leader Mr. Tony Chang formed a delegation to visit mainland China last month. They visited many government agencies and a Chinese Academy institution and tried to promote the peace and reduce the cross-Strait conflict. After the trip, Mr. Fan wrote an article entitled, “Journey To The Peace,“ and said that this is a fruitful article that fully describes and represents the view of most Chinese. 

The presidential election in Taiwan is currently unfolding. People and parties from all walks of life are drawing on their strength in hopes of winning the election next January.

The blue and white camps have attempted to combine in an effort to remove the Democratic Progressive Party. At the present time, the two camps have different views and ideas, but they have no choice if they want to win the general election. 

This election has created a "hot spot" of world attention because the Taiwan issue is a core problem for both China and the American government.

We are all very concerned about the election and hope that future leaders will fully grasp history and eliminate the fear of war.