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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评0904 扬善退悪 仗义执言

社评0904 扬善退悪 仗义执言

扬善退悪 仗义执言 

週六上午休斯敦福建同乡会陈会长率同二位同乡前来美南电视剧塲来颁赠一幅感谢状, 并书有「扬善退恶 仗义执言,并向在塲之各族裔领袖致谢意。

早在月前, 一位福建同乡在休斯敦华埠被数名抢匪连开六枪, 险夺生命 ,但已瘫痪在床 ,妻小待养。 据陈会长告知, 由各界人士慷慨解囊 ,已募得十万元以上之救济金。

事件发生之后, 社区各界哗然, 我们社区日愈败坏之治安似乎都束手无策, 许多同胞是鱼肉之对象, 令人十分痛心。

我们曾经不断大声疾呼治安是大家首要共有之任务, 尤其是告诉了要成為下届市长的参选人, 这应该是他们最急廹之任务。

多年来, 包括休市在内之许多大城市 由於预算不足 警方也𣎴断削减, 治安问题影响了大家之安全生计。

我们要在此呼吁 ,大家一定要前往投票参加市长选举 ,不论你支持哪位候选人, 我们在於参与投票显示华亚裔之力量。

过去一年来,我為了筹措德州少数族裔大联盟已经召开了无数之会议, 并且即将宣布成立 ,这将是全美首创, 更希望大家共同支持和参加。

Praise Good And Retreat From Evil 

Last Saturday morning, Mr. Chen who leads the Houston Fujian Association of Houston, came to our TV studio to present a Certificate of Appreciation and wrote in a letter about, “Promising good and repelling evil, and staying with righteousness,” and thanked everyone in our community for their support. 

A few months ago, a gentleman from Fujian, China, was shot by several robbers in southwest Houston's Chinatown. He was nearly killed, but he was permanently paralyzed. The whole family depends on his support. According to President Chen, people from all walks of life have donated more than $100,000 to help his family. 

After the tragedy, our community felt that the public safety issue is becoming a more urgent matter. It is not only for the leaders of the city, but also it is our responsibility to help. 

Over the years, many big cities including Houston have faced big financial problems. We really don’t have enough policies and resources to improve all the issues that affect all of our livelihoods and safety. 

Over the past year we have held countless meetings to seek a united front from our ethnic communities to help each other with many issues including public safety. We are very close to that goal. We also urge all of our people to go out and vote to show our concerns on public issues. We need our leaders to pay more attention to the public safety issue.