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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评 0830 日本向世界「挑战」

社评 0830 日本向世界「挑战」


日本政府正式啟动福岛核污水向太平洋排放, 不顾隣国之反对, 仍然一意孤行, 实在令人不齿和不安。

按照计划, 日本排放核污水前在处理过的水中加上大量海水,将浓度控制在预想之水平, 将在本年内排放约3.12 万吨, 即便经过处理, 核汚水中也还有64 种放射性元素, 会严重影响到海洋生态。

我们必须非常严重地指出, 日本政府此举是对沿海地带之荒谬行动,為何因為福岛之核外洩要其他国家同时遭殃。

中国大陆及韩国已经对此做出激烈反对, 同时全面禁止日本海產进口。 我们也要奉劝拜登总统绝不能因政治原因而踪容日本之行為, 而当前之情势, 似乎日本人只会听美国人的话。

我也非常同情那些在大海中拼搏而讨生的渔民们, 他们可能就此断送自己之生计!被这股核污水牺牲了。

当今世界已经够乱了, 各国经济情势也非常严峻 ,如今日本政府又来添乱, 我们真不知道他们如何向国际社会交待?

 Japan “Challenges” The World

The Japanese government has officially launched the discharge of Fukushima’s nuclear contaminated wastewater into the Pacific Ocean. Despite the unified opposition and outcries from its neighboring countries, Japan still remains very stubborn, which adds a really selfish, disgusting and disturbing element to their overt action against the world. 

According to the plan, Japan will control the concentration of the treated water and a large amount of seawater at the expected level before any discharge of nuclear sewage is undertaken. About 31,600 tons will be discharged this year. Even after this treatment, there are still 64 radioactive elements in the nuclear sewage which will seriously affect the marine ecology over an extended period of time. 

We must also point out in very serious terms, that the Japanese government’s move is an extreme and absurd action against the whole world. Why should so many other countries now suffer together because of Fukushima’s nuclear leak?

China and Korea have both now registered their fierce opposition against this 'renagade' action by Japan. 

At the same time, China wants a complete ban of all imported seafood from Japan. We also want to urge the United States government to strongly advise Japan in no uncertain terms to stop this action immediately. 

We also sympathize very much with the many fishermen who struggle every day to survive in the sea and are now victims caught in the middle of this extreme situation.

Today our world is chaotic enough. Now the Japanese government is making even more trouble for the whole world.