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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评0811 华亚裔站在歷史之转捩点

社评0811  华亚裔站在歷史之转捩点


近来全世界似乎乱了套, 天灾人祸频传, 连称為天堂的夏威夷有三十六人活活被烧死。 洪水在中国大陆造成空前灾难, 俄乌战争更是打到了莫斯科, 台海危机不断上升, 中美在各方面似乎各不相让, 这世界有些群龙无首。

各位弟兄姐妹们 ,我们今天居住在美国的华亚裔公民也面对一场前所未有之挑战, 请看看我们所处之环境, 华盛顿白宫主人和国会正在上演一齪政治大戏, 司法单位直接桿上前总统, 华府圈内之贪腐, 私藏国家机密文件, 和艳星上床付封口费, 几位已经年过八旬之老人还在撑控我们的生死大权。

今天我们可以立即行动的就是参加政治活动,进行自己权利之保卫战 ,而且这些行动必须先从地方市长 市议员开始。 首先要鼓励年轻人参政, 更要為他们助选, 唯有在政坛上发言许多问题才可能表现得一针见血。

歷史之长河是不可能倒流 ,今天我们自己的命运只有自己才能撑握了。

We Are At The Turning Point Of History

Recently the whole world seems to be in chaos. Natural and man-made disasters are frequently spreading. More than fifty people in Hawaii are known to have been burned to death by raging wildfires over a 3-day period on the island of Maui. Rampant flooding has caused unprecedented disasters in mainland China. The Russia and Ukrainian war has now hit Moscow and the Taiwan Strait tensions continue to rise. 

We as Asian-American citizens living in the United States now are facing an unprecedented challenge.

What we can do now is to actively participate in political activities to strengthen and defend our own interests. To begin with these actions, we should start with our local elections. First of all, we should encourage most of our qualified young people to run for political office and we need to help them get elected. 

It is impossible to reverse the long and flowing river of history. The only thing we can do is to hold on to our own destiny.