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社评0729 好友膝权伉儷金婚之喜

社评0729     好友膝权伉儷金婚之喜


在人生之旅途上能够相交相识相互之友人真不多,  膝权伉儷是其中之一 。週五晚上他的长子罗拔夫妇在一家着名之南方餐厅為他们庆祝结婚五十週年, 近二百位休斯敦中外来宾是他们最亲近的友人。 

我们认识膝权夫妇已经是八十年代在他们经营之东京都日本料理店, 许多亚裔政治捐款活动都在那裡举办, 包括总统 、州长 、市长、市议员 ,都是这裡的常客 ,我是媒体人,自然活动之一部份记录了亚裔参政之歷史记录。

二十多年前,休斯敦国际贸易中心成立时 ,膝権是参加创办人之一, 他对中心出钱出力, 二十年来 ,国际贸易中心之各文化经贸活动近一万二千中小企业受惠, 这也是我们非常重要的一项对社区之贡献。

五十年是一个非常漫长之岁月, 膝権伉儷从小学五年级就是同班同学 可,谓真正的青梅竹马 ,而且他们经营之寿司店巳近六百家。


Katy And Glen Gondo Celebrated Their 50th Year Anniversary

We got together Friday night to celebrate our dear friends Katy and Glen Gondo's fifty-year golden wedding anniversary party which was organized by their son Robert. It was the most beautiful and warmest party we have ever attended.

I have known Glen and Katy since early 1968 when they owned the Tokyo Garden restaurant in Houston. Since that time we have attended many political and social functions at their residence.

Almost 23 years ago, when we first established the International Trade Center in Houston, Glen was the co-founder and always gave us his support. We are so proud for the many years ITC has served more than 12,000 business through seminars and summits to help many businesses overcome their difficulties. In the business world,  this is another one of our contributions to the community.

Today Glen owns more than 500 sushi establishments around the nation and has become known as the 'Sushi King.' Most importantly, they are still helping our community in many ways.

Glen and Katy, we are all so proud of you.