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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评0706 我们需要处理好族裔关係

社评0706   我们需要处理好族裔关係


近日来德州休斯敦华人社区遭受抢刼导至华人同胞受重伤, 大家都对於治安败坏表示愤慨和不安, 许多社团也纷纷举办座谈会, 来讨论如何面对未来之挑战。

我们对於华人社区之行动感到振奋, 也对於大家关心治安有着巨大之期盼, 我们认為如何去关心社区也是我们之责任 。

最近高等法院裁决大学之录取不能以种族之标準来决定,换言之,非裔、拉丁裔学生进入名校相对就会减少, 是否会对华亚裔造成仇视和不满。

近半年来, 在各种裔领袖之主导下, 我们正在筹组之德州族裔联合阵线, 正在具体成立常设团体, 我们有感於美国国内之混乱, 政客们对华亚裔提出诸多不公不义之法案 ,令人失望和愤怒 ,我们唯有联合大家之力量 ,来应付未来之挑战。

在此同时, 我们也更要对自己社区做些慈善及公共服务之工作, 表现我们对社区之关心, 尤其是对弱势团体, 他们也是我们社区重要之一部份。

We need To Deal With Ethnic Relations 

Last Monday a Chinese American worker was robbed and seriously injured. Many community leaders were very angry and held a town hall meeting to discuss how to face this security challenge in the future. 

We are very happy to see the participation of our community 

on this serious issue and very encouraged with everyone’s concern also for our safety issues.

Recently the Supreme Court ruled that college admissions can’t be determined by racial standards. In other words, African American and Latino students will be relatively reduced in numbers for entering colleges and universities. And 

now, Asian students will have a better chance go to well-known universities as a result. This may cause hatred against Asian students. 

Over the past six months, under the leadership of various ethnic elders, we are forming a coalition 

to fight against unfair and unjust practices against minorities in the U.S. Many states have sponsored unfair and discriminatory bills 

and we have felt very angry and disappointed. This coalition will begin to fight all the unfair bills and practices. 

Another thing we need to do is to participate in social service work and charity work to show our caring and responsibility. This is also a very important way to work in the ethnic community.