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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评0620 為「少儿红」国际艺术盛典

社评0620   為「少儿红」国际艺术盛典


由范青老师及许多旅居德州之华裔艺术家共同主办的少𠒇红国际艺术选拔大赛, 昨午在美南电视国际环球剧场圆满闭幕。 数十位中外青少年在经过了多次出埸表演后, 优胜者都走向台前领奖, 大家对这次盛会之成功表示由衷之感动。

近几年来, 华裔人口在德州不断激增, 尤其是奥斯丁、 休斯敦、 达拉斯三大城市增加了好多倍, 相对地华裔人士筹办的各种语文及才艺学校也𣎴断增加, 也说明了中华文化艺术继续在美洲大陆发扬广大 。

参加才艺表演的孩童们, 各个都能以字正腔圆之华语及各种歌唱文艺表演展现了成為华裔之骄傲。

我们是一个多元族裔组成之国家, 也是二百多年来立国之基本精神, 我们应该教导孩童们要以华裔為傲 。

美南新闻非常欣幸能参加更多之文化艺文选拔活动, 这也是媒体对社会最重要的工作之一, 此次看见了这批优秀孩童之表现, 我们深感中华文化已深植海外, 他们也正是我们未来之希望。

  Youth Talent Show Held In Our TV Studio 

The Youth Talent International Show sponsored by Ms. Fan Xing and many Chinese American artists was held in the STV International Studio on Sunday. After the performance and singing, dozens of young teenagers went on the stage to receive their awards. Everyone was so happy and felt very proud to see the touching events. 

In recent years the Chinese American population has been surging in Texas, especially in the major cities of Dallas, Houston and Austin. In the meantime, many language, art and culture schools continue to spread in Texas. 

We are a multi-ethnic society and this is the basic spirit of the founding fathers of our country more than 237 years ago. 

Southern News Group is more than happy to sponsor and participate in cultural and artistic activities. We are so glad to see many of our youngsters taking an active part in the competition. They are also the hope for our future. We are very proud of them .  

Most of these youngsters are very outstanding in their academic work. When they grow up, they could become the backbone of our society.