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社评0118 艾利夫社区服务大厦拔地而起

社评0118  艾利夫社区服务大厦拔地而起


位於国际区百利大道和克武街交界的艾利夫社区服务大厦,上週六上午在锣鼓声中由市长特纳剪綵 这座面积超过七万英尺佔地三十七英亩之现代化活动中心 将為国际区揭开文化兿术之新页

市长特纳宣佈 这座大楼将有市政府卫生图书馆及其他社区居民提供免费午餐娱乐等服务 佔地三十七亩的中心设有足球游泳孩童游戏区 并可用於运动大会


国际区位於休斯敦西南区佔地十三英里 近年来由于商业土地开发 因而税收迅速增加,带动学区预算得到改进 是我们共同之功劳

Alief Neighborhood Center Building Rises Up

The Alief Neighborhood Center building at the junction of Bellaire Blvd. and Kirkwood in the International District was formally open by Mayor Turner last Saturday. This modern building covers more than 70,000 square feet and is located on 37 acres of land.

Mayor Turner also announced that the city's Health Department, Library and Social Services Department will be moved into the new building to serve the Alief area.

The total cost of the project was $58 million dollars. Over the last several years more businesses have moved into the area. We have been able to generate more tax money to improve our school district and many other facilities and services in the area. We are also part of these businesses in the International District.

Today we are so happy to have such a new and modern cultural and educational building rising up in our district. This will allow us to sponsor more cultural activities and also positively affect the economy of the area.

We also want to express our gratitude to Mayor Turner and to all the city leaders who have worked hard to make this huge project come alive and who have created a beautiful reality in our area.