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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评1203 国际区 新蓝图

社评1203   国际区 新蓝图


国际区 新蓝图

德州休斯敦国际区成立以来 宗旨在於推动和促进社区在经济居民之福址 我们的职责也要吸引更多之投资促进区内之繁荣使国际区变成一个富裕和适於居住之社区 其中最重要的是改善治安环境整理市容

今天我们在国际贸易中心举办了年度之工作方针硏讨会 并邀请莱斯大学教授哈格迪教授蒞临演讲 讲述国际区委员应负之各项责任分析目前我们面临之各项挑战

在硏讨会上 我也提出几项国际区未来之发展蓝图 為我们未来发展之方案 其中包括

A -大力吸引外资到区内投资 尤其是在卡武路上的一百三十六亩土地 已经在进行规划 其他有二项公寓建筑案 新银行建造案 预计近二亿美元之投资额

B-扩大庆祝各族裔庆典 举办各种文化活动吸引更多之观光游客前来游览消费 促进经济繁荣 其中包括龙舟竞赛 花车游行 定期观光美食游等

C- 建选国际大门 室外表演舞台及国际文化博物馆 并已请建筑师在全面规划之中


在我们过去十多年之努力下 由于新移民及加州居民之不断涌入 国际区也因而受益 我们将继续在吸引投资 改善治安 美化市容 加大宣传及举办文化活动方面加大力度 成為德州之模范社区 国际区之繁荣应是指日可待

International District New Blueprint

Since the establishment of the Houston International District Texas, the purpose has been to promote the community welfare, safety and economic growth.

Our responsibility is also to attract more investment to promote the prosperity of the region and make the district a better place to live.

Today we held an annual retreat at the International Trade Center and invited an expert to talk about the responsibility of our board members.

As chairman, I presented the blueprint for the future development of the district including the following goals:

  1. Attract more investment to the district. Currently we have project investments that total over $200 million dollars.

  1. Expand the celebration of ethnic culture. Hold various culture activities to attract more tourists to this area, including dragon boat races, floats and parades and food tours.

  1. To build an international gate, an outdoor theatre and an international cultural museum. Famous architect, C. C. Lee will design and present his work to the committee very soon.

The meeting also proposed an $800,000 budget to start the project.

Due to the continuous influx of new immigrants and people from California, our district will continue to improve public safety and investment conditions to be one of the economic models in the city of Houston.