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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评0917 亚太裔将在美南新闻广塲举办选民大会

社评0917  亚太裔将在美南新闻广塲举办选民大会



由全美亚太裔联盟主办之鼓励选民投票群眾大会定於十月八日星期六下午四时在休斯敦美南新闻广塲举行 届时将有数千名亚太裔选民参加 并大力宣导公民投票之重要性

德州亚裔民主党曾於二OO年在同一广埸举办过支持拜登竞选总统之群眾大会 早在二OO八年 克林顿总统也曾举办过一次大型之政治活动

多年来 我们一直不断在鼓吹华亚裔参政之重要性 唯有用选票才能表达参政之方式 不但是义务也是我们的权利

美国期中选举即将在十一月八日举行 这次选举将是民主共和两党之殊死战倘若民主党在参眾两院失利拜登将会变成跛脚总统直接影响将来之大选

我们非常慎重之呼吁 大家一定要尽快去做选民登记更要去投下自己神圣之一票 才是公民应尽之义务


AAPI Will Host A Rally At The Southern News Group Complex

The Asian Pacific Islanders group will host a rally on Saturday, October 8th at 4:00 pm in front of the Southern News Group complex for a “Get Out The Vote” rally for the midterm elections this November.

In 2020, the Texas Asian Democratic Party held a rally in support of President Biden. As early as 2008, former President Bill Clinton also held a large-scale political event at the Southern News Group complex for his wife Hillary’s run for the presidency.

Over the years, we have been advocating the importance of Asian and Pacific Islanders to participate in politics. Only with the vote can we express that political participation is not just our right, but also our responsibility.

The midterm election will be held on November 8. This election will be a “life and death battle” between the Democrats and the Republicans. If the Democrats lose, President Biden will become a lame duck president which will directly affect the 2024 presidential election.

We want everyone to register to vote. We are also very happy to continue hosting political rallies for our community.