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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评 0901 金孔雀飞上了我家的屋顶

社评 0901  金孔雀飞上了我家的屋顶


夏日最后一天, 这隻経常在我家后院做客的金孔雀, 今午腾飞到了屋顶 ,似乎传达了炎热夏暑即将结束。

孔雀是吉祥的象徵,代表了幸福高洁华贵,是百鸟之王 ,在希腊神话中孔雀更是象徵着赫拉女神,它能够给人带来好运,不断激励着人去前进

多年前,居家附近一家高雅法国餐厅,座落在佔地八亩之大花园并有一个养有天鹅之大湖,週遭并饲养了几十隻各种孔雀, 当宾客座在高耸的餐厅中, 眼眺湖中美色及在湖畔游走之孔雀群 ….

可惜建商买走了这个湖光水色之水景, 盖上了数百栋之公寓大楼, 孔雀们变成了「难民」, 不断暂栖在我们社区人家之后院。

我家后院经常迎来一些贵宾, 有时牠们会展翅向人露出鲜艷色彩, 也会偶而呜叫告诉她们来了。

今天这位美艷的宾客首次飞上了屋脊之上 ,但愿它传递和平美好之讯息。


已经有三天时间,这座近十五万南方密西西比州首都积克逊市无水可用, 迫使居民排队领水, 学校及商家餐厅都被迫关闭。

由于缺水许多消防设备停摆情况严重, 主要是近日暴雨把蓄水池冲坏, 由於长久未修, 自今年七月份来市府就要求居民要煮沸用水。



这座黑人居民佔绝大多数之城市, 饮水问题已经是多年之旧问题 ,我们呼吁政府当局应该彻底协助解决, 否则我们岂不变成第三世界了吗?

The City Of Jackson Is In A Water Crisis

Up until Wednesday, Mississippi’s capital was still facing a water crisis. Without reliable water service, many residents now stand in long lines for bottled water and schools and businesses  are closed.

When the river flooding nudged an already hobbling main treatment plant to failure, it meant that the plant couldn’t necessarily produce enough water to flush toilets or even fight fires.

The Governor also declared an emergency and activated the National Guard to help distribute bottled water. He sent the urgent repair team and truckloads of water to the city.

President Biden who has signed a major disaster declaration is trying to trigger assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

About 82.5% of the residents in the city of Jackson is black according to the census data, while the majority of the state’s legislature is white.

We really want to point out this poor southern city and want to help to improve their livelihood.

Our federal government has given billions of dollars to foreign countries, but when it comes to helping our own backyard shouldn’t we give them a hand?

                                             A Peacock Is On The Roof Of My House 

The peacock is a symbol for joy and creativity. They are forest birds that nest on the ground.

Today a golden peacock flew to our rooftop. We felt that this means good luck for us.

Many years ago, there was a French restaurant nearby our house with a very big garden. Many peacocks were living in a nearby lake. But recently, a developer built a huge apartment complex and the lake disappeared. Many peacocks had to leave their home and came walking to our neighbor’s house and looking for a meal.

We are so happy to welcome them to our backyard, but this is the first time they have reached our rooftop.

All the world is in trouble. We all are looking for a peaceful mind. We hope here in the last days of summer that peace will arrive in this world very soon.