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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评 0825 总统下令减免学生贷款

社评 0825   总统下令减免学生贷款



拜登总统週三宣布对学生贷款全部或局部之免除并可延长贷款之支付年限凡是家庭收入在二十五万元以下将可免除万元学生贷款 将近八百万人可以得到至少一万元二万元之减免

这项宣佈将使二千万人受益 拜登总统表示这将使许家庭走出経济上之困境 他并且把所有学生贷款还款期全部延长到明年元月一日支付

我们非常感谢拜登总统之德政 但是有人忧心这项免除行动会為日前严重的通货膨胀雪上加霜 全国政府之预算赤字更加增大 预计支出三千亿美元

拜登总统為了实现他竞选时之诺言出了个大手笔 当然也会有近二千万人受惠 这些人也可能是投给民主党之选民

我们也要向政府建言 一个国家之收支预算有如一个家庭 必须要符合量入為出之原则 如果是入不敷出 支字继续扩大是非全民之福


三个月前发生在德州尤瓦利小学之屠杀命案 造成十九名学童及二位老师被害事件震惊了全球 是美国歷史上最残忍的校园事件之一

尤瓦利学区委员会於週三晚间开会决定把学区警长开除 警长阿利敦多并且出席会议但由他的律师提交了十七页的报告 但是在他的报告到达委员会前 学区委员已経决定要他离职

今年五月二十四日发生之校园惨案是二O一二年以来最严重的一次 根据政府报告指出由于当天之警察反应缓慢致使兇手有时间射杀无辜孩童

我们支持学区开除警长之决议 基本上他是应该负起道义和实际之责任 如果当天他们能即时赶到立即救援就不可能造成二十一人命之伤亡 痛定思痛我们已经不不能再犯同样错误了

The Government Forgives Student Loans

President Biden announced his plan to cancel up to $20,000 of student debt for those who received Pell grants.

The president’s plan includes $10,000 in loan forgiveness for borrowers who earn less than $125,000 annually and who did not receive Pell grants.

The plan also extends the pause on federal student loan payments until December 31 and allows undergraduate debt holders to cap their debt and repay at 5% of their monthly income.

The program will include twenty million people and the president said those people can now start getting on with their lives.

Cancelling the student loan debts will cost the government about $300 billion.

President Biden made a big deal to fulfill his campaign promise. These people also will be voters for the Democratic party later on at election time.

We are also very worried about the inflation and the overspending that will bring even more debt to our country.

                                 The School District Police Chief Has Been Fired

The Uvalde school board voted unanimously Wednesday to terminate the contract of Police Chief  Pete Arredondo three months after the teenage gunman took the lives of 19 students and two teachers.

The board made the decision in a closed-door meeting. The police chief didn’t attend, but his attorney argued that a letter from the district suspending him without pay does not count as an official “complaint” as required by law to consider termination.

Arredondo has come under scrutiny over the police response to the May 24 massacre.

The attacker remained in two classrooms for more than one hour before the police entered the room and killed him.

We support the school district’s decision to fire the chief of police. Basically, he had the legal

and professional responsibility to end the massacre tragedy.

We all need to learn from this terrible and very sad tragedy. We just can no longer make this same mistake again.