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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评 0804 佩洛西离台之后

社评 0804 佩洛西离台之后


佩洛西在台湾访问并和各界充分交流之后已经前往南韩继续她亚洲毕业旅行 中国政府宣佈从今天四号开始在台湾週边作军事演习 作為报復之手段

佩洛西亚洲之行 其最重要之行程就是到台湾访问 其中最重要之因素除了再次凸显自己是民主斗士之外另外就是為十一月份选情低迷的民主党包括自己在党内之地位造势希望不要输得太惨而目前同為民主党的拜登总统正面临内忧外患民意非常低落之窘境

对中国而言 她是美国备位元首排名中仅次於副总统 此次公然大张旗鼓之访问台湾 岂能坐视 必须强烈反弹 向美国及台湾进行反制行动

这位八十二高龄的国会领袖 结束了一次言词犀利和激情交流之后 已经搭机离去 可是剩下的烂摊子可是要台湾人民来承担 她此行高谈民主价值和坚如磐石之高亢演说 也无法排解海峡两岸人民日愈加深之隔阂

中国大陆开始了对台湾军事和経济之封锁 情况可能越来越糟 实非全球之福也

After Pelosi Left Taiwan

After visiting Taiwan and meeting with all of Taiwan’s leaders, Pelosi has flown to South Korea to continue her Asian trip. The Chinese government announced that they are starting military exercises around Taiwan from today as a means of retaliation.

Pelosi’s trip to Asia with a most important political itinerary is a cost to Taiwan, not just to highlight herself as a fighter for democracy, but also to build momentum for the Democratic party for the upcoming mid-term elections in the U.S. At the present time, President Biden, as well as the Democratic Party, is facing internal and external troubles and the public support rate is very low.

For China, Pelosi is the third highest ranking politician in the United States. How she can come to Taiwan for a high-profile visit is both alarming as well as provoking. To show its displeasure at the highest levels at such a sensitive time, China must react strongly to both the U.S. and Taiwan.

The 82-year-old Congressional leader finished her trip with a high-pitched speech on democratic values and the rock-solid relations between the U.S. and Taiwan, but the speeches cannot solve the deepening gap between the people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

China has immediately begun a blockade of Taiwan’s military activities and has taken steps to weaken its economy. The situation may be getting worse and worse. It will become the next world crisis.