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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

社评 0723 夫人外交再现

社评 0723 夫人外交再现


乌克兰第一夫人奥令娜泽文斯基週三告诉美国国会,他们需要更多的武器来抵抗俄罗斯, 她是在国会之演说中再次呼吁希望美国能尽快决定给予乌国更精锐之武器。

拜登总统夫妇在白宫南草坪接见了第一夫人奥令娜 ,并送上向日葵白色兰花组成之花束, 象徵乌克兰之三色国旗, 拜登总统夫人吉儿曾於五月造访基辅。

带着任务到访美国,奥令娜在接受媒体访问时呼吁美国政府和人民不要容忍这种残酷的战争 ,他们正在遭受到一场无止境的战争, 并且特别强调当地妇女及孩童遭到之痛苦。

俄乌战事爆发以来 ,两国仍然无法取得共识结束这㘯战争, 俄罗斯对乌克兰发动之攻击, 没有任何正当之理由 ,美国及北约更是无法坐视 ,不断给予军援, 造成乌克兰人民家破人亡。

战争是件残酷无比之事,乌克兰处境十分艰辛, 如果此时停火 就是对俄罗斯之投降, 百分之二十之国土被俄罗斯拿走 ,这是情何以堪之事。

中国对日抗战时期 ,第一夫人宋美龄也以第一夫人之名誉在美国国会奔走演说,為抗日抗战争取到许多援助 ,时至今日 ,乌克兰第一夫人再次展现夫人外交為国争取援助, 其效果是非常明显和有用的求助行动。

First lady’s diplomatic Reappears.

Ukraine’s First Lady told U.S. congress on Wednesday that they needed more weapon to fight Against Russia She once again called for the United States to give them more heavy weapons to protect the country.

President Biden and first lady welcome the Ukraine First Lady at south lawn and sent a bouquets of sunflower white orchids symbolizing the tricolor flag of Ukraine.

Visiting America with the mission First Lady Olina called on the US government and people not to get used to cruel war scene The people

specially the women and children are super the most.

Since the outbreak of the Russia and Ukraine war the two countries have still been unable to reach consensus to end the war with the assistance from the NATO and U.S. the war still going on but the people in Ukrinae is the one suffered.

The war is extremely cruel Ukraine is in very difficult situation If there are ceasefire this time they will list more Han twenty percent of land.

During the Second World War Hines first lady

Madame Song also made a speech in congress to ask more aid the China Today the first lady Ukraine once again show her diplomacy to seek assistance for her country The effect is very obvious and useful .