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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0528

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0528



德州依瓦利小学二十一位师生被一名十八岁兇嫌夺走了生命, 全国上下正在热烈捐献希望為这个边境贫穷之小镇送上温暖和援手, 但是 看过那些每一张天真无邪的面孔, 生命既然如此短暂, 令人万般无奈和心酸。


美国真的变了吗? 我们遭遇到连续不断的枪杀案, 有时在超市 ,有时在商场 ,在按摩院, 在大学,在小学生的教室𥚃 ,真难予置信, 事实上, 我们目前全国个人拥有的枪支已経远超过全美人口三亿多支, 全世界百分之四十的枪械都在美国 我们儼然是一个大武器库。


今天我们走在美国的大城市和乡村城镇可以说是两个不同之世界, 治安 、信仰和経济条件也相差甚远 ,住在郷下或小镇的居民, 他们对纽约地下铁和大城市之乱也似乎不太关心。


上海封城 ,俄乌战事 ,猴天花, 高油价, 缺奶粉, 兇手大屠杀, 拜登总统之空军一号专机穿梭全国各地, 到底有多少效果。


今天為了通物膨胀物价上涨, 政府有意取消对中国大陆之进口关税, 白宫内阁意见相左, 反对者竟然是和我们长得一模一样的贸易代表戴奇。


布林肯在其发表的中美关係谈话中, 不论中美两国关系如何变化, 不会影响到华裔美人之地位, 看后感觉一阵不舒服 ,有些被眨為二等公民之意味。


我要奉劝华裔同胞, 我们今天不但要好好去多赚钱, 而且要站起来在政治上学学犹太人, 把那些政治恶棍赶下台 。

  Our Reflection On The Current Situation At Home And Abroad


After twenty-one lives of teachers and young kids’ were taken away by an 18-year-old  murderer, the whole nation is enthusiastically responding by donating hope and sending warmth and help to Uvalde, a small, and now broken, Texas city. When we see every one of the innocent faces that were ended, it makes people feel so helpless and very sad.

Has the United States really changed? We have encountered continuous shootings, sometimes in supermarkets, in malls, in schools, in massage parlors or on university campuses. In fact, in America, we now own more than 300 million guns--more than our total population. Forty percent of the world’s weapons are in the United States.


Today when we walk in big cities and rural towns in America, we can say we are in two very different worlds, while the conditions of faith and economic conditions are also very different. Residents who live in rural areas seem to be less concerned about what is going on in New York, and equally unconcerned about the chaos that is prevalent in other big American cities.


The Shanghai lockdown, the Russia-Ukraine war, higher oil prices, monkey smallpox, the nationwide lack of baby formula, a senseless massacre of innocent children and teachers, all happening as our president’s Air Force One shuttles around the world. What difference does this make?


Today the White House tried to cancel part of the tariffs on Chinese goods. But inside the president’s cabinet, there are differences of opinion. One of the opponents is trade representative Catherine Tai who looks exactly like us.


In the speech by Secretary of State Blinken, he said no matter the status of the relationship between the U.S. and China, it will not affect the status of Americans of Chinese descent. After watching the speech, I really felt very uncomfortable.


I would like to remind all Chinese Americans in this country that you need to be successful in this country to stand up and protect your rights and also learn from the Jewish Americans how they can be so strong on the political stage.