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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0408

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 0408



毕业於哈佛大学目前担任哥伦比亚特区联邦巡迴上诉法院法官美国最高法院共有九名法官。 他们是终身任职,由总统提名,必须得到参院之批准, 目前该院由六名保守派及三名自由派组成。

杰克逊法官之出线, 今天在非裔和少数族裔社区掀起了一阵欢呼和掌声 首先讃掦拜登总统实现了他的诺言 并标誌着美国司法制度掀开了新的一页。

参院多数党领袖舒默表示 这是欢乐重大和开创性的一天 非裔的驻联合国大使托马斯也说,我对此感到激动和自豪。

诚然司法制度在美国遭受到重大挑战 最近几年来在全国各地发生的警察执法过度, 对亚裔歧视和诸多司法不公事件, 已经成為社会对立的重要因素。

我们欣见杰克逊女士出任这个国家最高司法机关之法官 她也承担着我们许多人的期望 然而, 司法公正和社会发展并非她能主导。

非裔和少数族裔在鼓舞欢心之餘, 我们还是要加强教育培养更多人才 争取成為社会各阶层的地位, 尢其是改善社区之経济条件 是我们共同努力的目标。

First Female African American Supreme Court Justice

Yesterday the U.S. Senate confirmed Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court as the first black female justice and validated President Biden’s promise that he would make the effort to diversify the high court.

Jackson is 51 years old with nine years of experience on the federal court. She was confirmed with a vote of 53-47, mostly along party lines, but with three Republican votes.

In a tweet, President Biden said that, “We’re taking another step toward making our highest court reflect the diversity of America. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said, “ This is a wonderful day, a joyous day and an inspiring day.”

In the African American and minority communities, there were thunderous cheers and applause because they really appreciated that President Biden kept his promise and marked a new page in the U.S. judicial system which has suffered major challenges in recent years.

We welcome Judge Jackson to her new position as a justice on the highest court in the land. She also will bear the expectations of many of us.

We also want to inspire and cultivate our people to strengthen their education and encourage more minority young people to reach for and attain a higher status in all sectors of society. Until we can improve our economic condition, then we can really seek more social justice.