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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 03/14

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 03/14


朱自清先生在《春》一文中写道 盼望着 盼望着 东风来了 春天的脚步近了 小草偷偷地从土裡鉆出来 嫰嫩的 绿绿的 园子里 田园裡 瞧去一大片一大片满是的 风轻悄悄的 草软绵绵的 ……

週末走访了一趟友人的农场 佔地近三百多亩 坐上结实的四轮带动小车上 奔驰在一望无际的沃土上 有牛群 小驴 在广大的土地上受春天的阳光 𥚃敍述了一个刘先生伉儷成功的故事 半世纪前她们离乡背井 身无分文来到这块人人响往的土地从读书到创业 歷尽艰辛 而今成為了令人羡慕的「大地主」 她们的成就代表了亚华裔在美国奋斗的佳话 事实证明 我们是这片土地的主人翁 春天在她们的农场虽然来遅了些 广大的原野还有几分寒意

清晨起来时 听到前总统奥巴马也感染到新冠病毒 据说他除了有些咳嗽之外 情况良好 又据辉瑞公司表示 我们可能要在秋天接受第四针的加强疫苗注射 这实在令人太难受了 这场新冠疫情浩劫已经是第三个年头了 在美国夺走了百万人的生命 是我们有史以来最大的挑战

春天终於遅遅地来了 因為我家前院的粉红桃花又再次绽放了 它是我们迎接春天最佳的礼物和讯号

今天我们在迎接春天之来到而把时鐘拨快一小时 正逢学校春假之来临 学生们在海滩上狂欢 就连西点军校的学生也在迷药中取乐 大西洋彼岸的欧洲战火方酣 美洲大陆仍可日日笙歌 我们是何等幸运啊

Feelings Of A Late Spring

The Chinese author Zhu Ziqing once wrote in his article, “Spring” that he looked forward to the ‘east wind” coming. The footsteps of spring were approaching and the grass sneaks out of the earth. In the tender green garden I looked at a large area full of light wind and the grass is soft.

On the weekend, we visited a friend’s farm covering more than 350 acres in Beaumont, Texas. In the city where we spent our college days, we got on a four-wheel drive cart and drove across the endless farm land. There were cattle and donkeys all over this beautiful farm. The scene represents the successful story of Mr. and Mrs. Liu. A half century ago they came to this land looking for a new life. After getting their higher education, they contributed their whole life to America. They went through all kinds of hardships and now they have become “big landlords” in east Texas. This achievement represents a great success story of an Asian American.

When I woke up this morning I heard that former President Obama is now also infected with Covid -19. According to Pfizer, we may need to get a fourth shot of the vaccine. The pandemic is entering its third year now in America. We have lost millions of lives which is the greatest tragedy in our history.

Today we are welcoming spring and have set the clock forward one hour. Spring finally has come. Because our flowers have bloomed in our front yard, it is the best gift for our family.

While there is still fierce fighting in Ukraine, many students are enjoying their spring break now. We really are very lucky these days.