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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 02/10

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 02/10



筹办在疫情中克復万难的宝盛大酒店 今天上午在德州休斯敦医学中心区盛大开幕 这家由中国大陆民营企业五百强之宝盛控股集团所投资的五星级饭店 正式敞开大门欢迎各方宾客

特纳市长在开幕式上盛讃休斯敦华亚裔对本市经济之重大贡献 他回忆早年到中国访问和招商的往事 证明中美民间交流之重要 他期盼这家有二百七十间华丽套房的五星级酒店将為本市带来更多的国际旅客 并当场宣布二月八日是休斯敦宝盛大酒店日

休斯敦大商会会长哈威斯也在开幕式上发表了热情漾溢的祝贺词 他认為宝盛酒店将為来访休城之观光客及医疗中心创造更多的商机

值此中美两国关係日渐冷却之时 宝盛酒店之开幕 将有帮於双方民间之交流 我们始终认為 旅游 观光 体育活动是建立各国促进友谊最佳之途径

在北京的冬奥运动会 选手们的竞技和比赛 那种激情 欢呼和笑声 為全球带来了和平之氛围我们且把政治斗争搁在一边吧

Blossom Hotel Is Open In Houston

The luxury hotel built by the Blossom hotel chain opened yesterday in the Houston Medical Center. This five-star hotel was invested into by one of the top 500 private companies in China.

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner was there to deliver his welcome message and showed his appreciation to Houston’s Chinese Americans for their great contributions to the City of Houston. He recalled his visit to China and he later brought many investors to the city. He also announced that February 8th will be officially recognized as Blossom Hotel Day in Houston, Texas.

Bob Harvey, President of the Houston Greater Partnership also delivered a warm message. He said that he believes the Blossom Hotel will help to bring more tourists and business to Houston.

At a time when the relationship between China and the U.S. is having a very difficult time, we all hope this project will be very important to promote our people-to-people relationship.

While the Beijing Winter Olympics are still being held with the games still ongoing, we hope and would really like the games to bring more cheers and laughter to the whole world.

We are here to congratulate and welcome the Blossom Hotel to the heart of the city of Houston.