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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/15

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 01/15

我见 我闻 我思

迎戊寅虎年 贺新岁

值此新春佳节来临之际, 我们谨代表继续在新闻媒体战缐上奋斗的全体美南新闻传媒集团同仁向大家共同迎接虎年的到来。

两年多来袭捲全球之新冠疫情 ,把我们隔离起来, 但是我们的心确连接在一起, 逆境激励奋斗, 患难见証真情。
这场世纪大灾难, 还在不断考验着我们的毅志和生存, 多少站在前缐的医护团队及科研专家, 他们的牺牲奉献正在战胜病毒之侵袭 ,多少动人心弦的故事不断上演。

盼望已久的春天及久违的旭日阳光普照着大地, 我们看见幸福随着阳光在闪耀, 春节悄悄地来到我们的身边, 冬尽春来, 再添新岁, 我们再次站上新的旅程起点, 祝福大家美美満満,平平安安。

Welcome The Year Of The Tiger


On the occasion of the Spring Festival, we would like to welcome the arrival of the Year of the Tiger to you on behalf of all our colleagues at Southern News Group who continue to fight on the news media front line.


After more than two years of Covid-19, the pandemic has isolated us and kept us apart, but our hearts are indeed connected.


This serious disaster is still constantly testing our perseverance and survival. Many medical teams and researchers are standing in front of us and their sacrifices are defeating the invasion of the virus.


We are looking forward to the springtime and new happiness all over the sunny earth. We are starting a new journey again, and we wish everyone peace and safety in the year of the Tiger.