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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/10

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 12/10


几内亚驻美大使杨森及济参赞马麻杜一行今午再度到国际贸易中心参访 我们设午宴表示欢迎

杨森大使此行主要是参加在休斯敦举行的美非能源高峯会 该国矿產资源丰沛 其中以铝矿為世界最大產地

几内亚最近因军事政变 目前掌权之临时总统表示 他将尽快制定新宪法还政於民

几内亚佔地二十五万平方公里 人口近一千三百万 人均所得一千二百四十四美元 是世界上最贫穷的国家之一

杨森大使曾任该国中央银行总裁 為国服务数十年 虽然国内政权更迭 但是仍然请他继续担任驻美大使

世界能源大会此次在德州召开 主要是探讨如何加强对非洲和世界各地在能源方面之合作共有来自十八个国家的能源部长和工商界三百多人参加


参加今天招待会的还有前县长埃克 索比亚驻休斯敦名誉总领事卡比地大使及工商界人士多人

国际贸易中心正在筹组工商代表团将在适当时机访几内亚 衣索匹亚等国家

Welcome Back, Mr. Ambassador Yansane!

The 23rd World Petroleum Congress is holding their meeting in Houston, Texas, with representatives from more than seventy countries. Three hundred speakers including eighteen Ministers of Energy and CEOs from around the world will discuss issues facing the world today. They will explore and learn about Houston and other destinations that are advancing technology and innovation while shaping the future of the world.

Ambassador Kerfalla Yansane and Economic Counselor Diallo Mamadou came from Washington to join the meeting.

We are so honored to host a welcome luncheon party for them at the International Trade Center. Our guests include Judge Robert Eckels, Hon. Consul General Gezahgen Kebede and many other business leaders.

Over the past several years we have worked with Ambassador Yansane to promote the relationship between Texas and Guinea. Even though the political situation has changed in Guinea, we are still trying to organize a trade mission to visit Africa in the near future.

Guinea is one of the poorest countries in the world. They need all kinds of assistance to lift up their economy. We are here to do our best to help their people get out of poverty .