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大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 11/08

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 11/08

我见 我思 我闻

另类经济 农夫市集

多少年没有去走访休斯族北边机场路的农夫市集了 今晨当我们走进去时 数以百计的各型食物用品鲜花小贩及客人把市场挤得水洩不通 一片繁荣之景象

近来因国内外経济流通不畅 通货膨胀及物价大幅上涨 一般超市中之食品和蔬菜大涨 以往一元美金可以买到三个大柠檬 今天每个要价是九毛 我们去吃的IHOP全套早餐从六元九毛九涨到了十一元五毛 这些惊人的涨幅 正在冲击着国民的荷包

农夫市集在经济物价上涨中凸显了它的重要性 这个佔地十八英亩之大型市集 是休城最大最老的市集 更代表了休斯敦多方族裔之文化特色

走在繁忙和拥挤的市场中 多半的客人和店主都讲西班牙语 摊位上有鲜花 水果 蔬菜 香料 家庭用品 在喧哗声中穿杂着杀价声和笑声 我们置疑是否是在墨西哥呢

随着人口结构之变化 大休斯敦地区亚华裔及拉丁裔人口不断增加 现在已经达到半数 再过不久一定会佔大多数 现任市长和郡长皆是少数族裔可见一斑

走进了农夫市集 就如进入了另一个世界 它代表了美国国情不断在改变中 更重要的是 在国民生计困难之时 為大家提供较廉价的民主必需品

The Farmers Market Is Another Kind Of Economy

After so many years, my wife and I went to Houston’s Farmers Market on Airline Drive near the 610 Loop.

As the city’s oldest and largest farmer’s market, this 18-acre market is full of all kinds of fruits and vegetables and many other consumer goods. Most importantly, the Farmers Market reflects two important characteristics of our city: diversity and food.

Most people there speak in Spanish and the market enjoys very large crowds. Customers are very happy to ask for a discount and usually can get everything they want to buy.

Recently, because inflation has hit, all the goods and food prices have gone up. I still remember before that we could buy three or four lemons for one dollar, but today in the super market one lemon costs 95 cents! Before the pandemic we ordered a “Grand Slam Breakfast” at IHOP for $6.99. But today it costs $11.55! Such a crazy price is just unbelievable.

Today our nation’s population is also changing. In Harris County and the greater Houston area, minorities, including Asians, Hispanics and Africans have almost reached 50% of the population. When you walk around at this market you will have such strong feelings about the diversity of our city.

After we visited the market and bought some sweet potatoes, we walked to the nearby Connie Restaurant which was founded by my old friend Mr. Ho. We ordered the whole fried fish and shrimp fried rice which still costs $7.50. The food was not just delicious, it was fresh, and the restaurant was full of customers who also liked to shop at the market.

We are urging the Biden administration to pay more attention to our economy. Otherwise, the only people who will continue to suffer will be those who are at the bottom of society.
