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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0923

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 0923

中秋思乡情 千里共嬋娟

中秋词最早见於周礼书真正形成全国性之节日则始於唐代古代有秋暮夕月之习俗到了周朝大家都摆设大香案摆上各种花菓月饼 红枣等祭品并以西瓜切成莲花状全家府在月光下上红烛向月亮拜祭家人们仰望天空朗朗明月期盼和家人亲友团聚籍此表达对故乡和亲人思念之情


今天我们华人散居在世界上每个角落有太阳的地方就有我们华夏儿女的社群 我们有的离乡背井远走他乡已有有数百年之歷史不论我们在何处 依然以华夏及中华文化孕育之儿女為荣

世事多变 我们许多生活在美洲大陆的华裔同胞我们在认同落叶生根的同时也更以华裔文化為荣

值此秋叶落地之时 我谨代表全美各地美南传媒集团之全体工作伙伴 向大家致谢并感恩有你同行


Celebrating The Mid-Autumn Festival

For Chinese people the Mid-Autumn Festival means family reunions and peace. The festival is celebrated when the moon is believed to be at its brightest and fullest. This is a symbol of prosperity, happiness and family reunion.

This celebration is held in most Chinese family households around the world and includes eating dinner together with mooncakes and lighting of the lanterns.

The history of the Mid-Autumn Festival goes back three thousand years, dating back to the Shing Dynasty in 1660 BC. The term mid-Autumn was first written about in the book Rites of Zhou during the Tang Dynasty. It was popular because the story was that the emperor visited places on the moon in his dream and heard beautiful songs.

Today many Chinese families get together at the dinner table to eat mooncakes and remember their ancestors and enjoy the full moon.

We as Chinese American in the United States are very proud of our heritage even though we are so far from our motherland. We wish much happiness to all and peaceful times to come.