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美南广场 / 董事长介绍

大侠行天下日记 我见我闻我思 07/05

大侠行天下日记  我见我闻我思 07/05

我见 我思 我闻

美南新闻广场 换新装再出发

新冠疫情侵袭全球,美南新闻广场上已经有一年半没有举办大型活动, 真是使我们社区郁闷太久了。


上週末,来自各族裔的媒体老总们,加上好友国会议员格林、德州参议员惠特迈、州议员吴元之等之加持下,我们在美南新闻电视摄影棚成功地举行了德州少数族裔媒体联盟,出席者包括有拉丁裔广播电台老总罗沛斯、犹太裔电视广播老总李温、 菲律宾週报社长苏萨 、非裔太阳报社长多礼士、 越裔电视台老闆梅尔博士、 巴基斯坦电视台总経理菲勒、 黎巴嫩电视杂誌社社长纳德、 越南日报社长武克、 非裔电台总裁孟尼卡、 好莱坞电影制作人贝克等各少数族裔之媒体负责人, 共集一堂 ,我们决心团结一致, 联合亚裔、非裔、拉丁裔、 阿拉伯裔大约一百家媒体,来向社会各界及政府机关传递我们关心的议题,并且定期邀请政府首长参加社区电视访谈大会。




We Are Ready To Move Again

After the coronavirus pandemic attacked our nation more than six hundred thousand of our people have lost their lives. We are so sad that this virus has brought such a horrible effect on our lives.

Today we are so glad the Southern News Group Media Center has been repainted. All our buildings have bright new colors and we want to start our journey again.

For more than one and one-half years our grounds have been empty without any outdoor activities at all. Many festivals and events have just gone away.

I am so glad that many of our community media leaders came together last week in our TV studio to organize the Texas Minority Media Alliance. My dear friends including Art Lopez, Steve Levine, Bhangra Sauza, Dorris Ellis, Julia Nader, Monica Riley, Rob Baker and Kay Vu from Latino, Africa, Asian and Arabia media leaders were in attendance to support us. We all wanted to sent out a very clear message to our community that we must all work together.

When I passed by the repainted building, our international flags were flying in the blue sky again. My eyes again filled with tears knowing that many people will be expecting to meet here again on this ground.