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美国新冠疫情日记 09/15

美国新冠疫情日记 09/15

Tik Tok Will Partner With Oracle

A deal to satisfy the Trump administration’s national security concerns about the short form video App, Tik Tok, was struck when the computer technology giant Oracle joined Tik Tok as its business partner in the United States. The news comes after weeks of speculation about the Chinese app’s future in the United States

President Trump had demanded that the app be sold or else shut down in the United States. The news about the Oracle deal came out after Microsoft announced that it would not buy Tik Tok’s U.S. operation.

Tik Tok has exploded in popularity in western countries and has become the first Chinese social media platform to gain significant market share. It was downloaded 315 million times in the first three month of this year. But Trump said the app posed a threat to national security because it could be used as a spy tool by Beijing. Tik Tok has denied those allegations and said its data centers are located entirely out of China.

Tik Tok’s deal with Oracle is expected to be clarified by the U.S. Commerce Department as to which types of business dealings involving Tik Tok will be prohibited in the country.

In the meantime, the Chinese state media reported that the owner of Tik Tok, ByteDance, would not sell to any U.S. company.

All of the deal must satisfy all regulatory and national security concerns of the United States.

We hope this deal will go through and let hundreds of millions of users continue to enjoy the Tik Tok App.



川普总统曾经掦言,如果抖音无法在九月十五日前托手他将把它关闭 但是这项合作协议是否可行尚待商务部之审查显然微软早先要购买抖音之意图并未成功。

抖音近年来在美国及世界各地广受年轻人欢迎,已经成為当前最流行之软体之一 单就本年度之前三个月在美国就有三亿多的下载数量 川普政府表示, 抖音之资讯可能会被中国大陆利用,会构成国安问题。


美国总统大选在即民主共和两党為了争取更多之选民 大家都在打中国大陆牌其中包括对抖音及微信之禁令但是他们也考虑到抖音是年轻人之爱好可能也会影响选票。

这埸总统大选是一场前所未见的政治博弈,对於美国及世界未来之情势必然影响很大, 假如中美关係继续恶化, 不但会改变世界政治版图经济上之分歧已经在显现之中。

我们乐见抖音能继续存在, 它将为千万的年轻人带来生活上的乐趣。

(   图片来源: 路透社 )