聪明优秀亚洲捐卵 招募中
聪明优秀亚洲捐卵 招募中
寻求卵子捐助者 帮助我们建立完整的家庭,我们提供 $50,000的补偿. 电子邮件:emilyyineggdonor@gmail.com
我们是一对夫妇,寻求亚洲卵子捐赠者来帮助建立我们的家庭。 您应该是班上最优秀的,最好有一些杰出的成就和奖项。
我们更喜欢18-35岁之间的亚裔种族 ,例如中国人,日本人,韩国人,越南人。 我们理想的卵子捐赠者的一个例子:
关於我们:我们是受过良好教育的夫妻,但是由於女性的不育,我们无法生育孩子。 男人是一位非常有成就的科学家/数学家和商人,女人拥有良好的大学学歷。男人是欧洲人,女人是中国人。 我们重视教育,我们生活在世界上最好的学区之一。
Special Asian Egg Donor Wanted to help us build our family $50,000 compensation
Email : emilyyineggdonor@gmail.com for more information.
We are a couple seeking an Asian egg donor to help build our family. You should be near top of your class, and preferably have some outstanding achievements and awards. We prefer Asian race, such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese. You should be between 18-35 years old.
An example of our ideal egg donor: 21 year old Chinese MIT student, top in her class, several awards in high school and university. She wants to be an egg donor in order to help bring a child into the world with the same special gifts she has.
Your eggs will be fertilized with sperm from the man, and the resulting embryos used to impregnate the woman, or possibly a surrogate mother.
About us: we are a highly educated couple, but we are unable to have children due to infertility of the woman. The man is a highly accomplished scientist/mathematician and businessman, the woman has a good university degree. The man is of European race, woman is Chinese.
We value education, and we live in one of the best school districts in the world. We hope that our child will be gifted, as each of us is, and that he/she will have a positive impact on the world.