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社評0110 推動休斯敦族裔文化活動

社評0110    推動休斯敦族裔文化活動


由美南新聞推動舉辦的農曆新年園游會, 屈指已經有二十六年之久。 我們始終覺得生活在海外的華裔社區對於固有之文化傳統怀有一種鄉愁 ,希望在海外繼續流傳下去。

在新任惠邁市長之大力支持下, 今年我們將擴大慶祝, 並且邀集休斯敦國際社區包括非裔 、亞裔、 拉丁裔及主流社團參加, 慶祝大會分為三大部份, 有美食、 文藝表演及商業展示 。預計有二百個攤位, 將接待二萬賓客參加。

休斯敦是德州最大城, 擁有強大之經濟實力、 能源、 太空、 高科技及醫療之重鎮, 新任市長深知推動觀光投資之重要性, 他上任後將加強城市外交, 為促進文化交流及經濟繁榮而努力。

今年我們將為休斯敦市推出三大活動 ,其中包括二月十日之農暦新年嘉年華, 四月二十六日之国际區大遊行及九月份對警消人員致敬大會等。 

我們同時在此感謝市長對國際社區之大力支持 ,他認為, 只有大家團結合作才能完成我們未來之市政建設。

Promoting Houston's International Culture

Southern News  Group has been sponsoring the Texas Lunar New Year Festival for over the last 26 years. We have always been proud to be a part of our cultural tradition.

With the strong support of our new mayor and community leaders, we will expand our celebration this year and join with Houston's international comnunity and relocate to a new location at Alief ISD Career Center on Richmond Ave. We are expecting to have 200 booths and plan to welcome 20,000 guests. 

Houston is the largest city in Texas with a strong economic base that includes major energy companies, home to NASA and high-tech developers and the world famous Texas Medical Center. 

This year we will launch three major activities for Houston including our annual Lunar Festival, an international parade and a special tribute event to our first responders. 

We are so grateful to be a part of this great city. All of us need to come out to support our new city leadership that is working to improve the quality of our lives. After all, this is our home.